Advance Your Career with OptimiSE Academy

Our online academy offers on-demand, self-paced courses to master Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).

Comprehensive Syllabus

Our curricula are specifically designed for system designers, systems engineers and technical leads or managers, laying the foundational core concepts and theories and expanding onto practical implementations.


Students have the option to replace the final project with their own optimization problem. This option is perfect for those looking to apply their learning directly to their professional or academic work, with our expert guidance.

Software License Included

Enjoy complimentary student licenses for all software used in our courses, including OPCloud, our primary system modelling tool (originally priced at $2,500 per year), which remain valid throughout the course duration.

Supportive Community

Join our dedicated Discord server, where you can engage with instructors for guidance and support. Additionally, connect with fellow students to share insights, collaborate on projects and expand your network.